The Rajputs and Traditions of Heroism

Concept Explanation

The Rajputs and Traditions of Heroism

The Rajputs and Traditions of Heroism

Rajasthan was called Rajputana by the British. This was an area that was inhabited only or mainly by Rajputs. This is only partly true. There were several groups who identify themselves as Rajputs in many areas of northern and central India. However, the Rajputs are often recognized as contributing to the distinctive culture of Rajasthan. These cultural traditions were closely linked with the ideals and aspirations of rulers. Rajasthan was ruled by various Rajputs Families. Prithviraj was one such ruler.

These rulers cherished the ideal of the hero who fought valiantly, often choosing death on the battlefield rather than face defeat:

  • Stories about Rajputs heroes were recorded in poems and songs which were recited by specially trained minstrels.
  • Women find a place within these stories sometimes, they figure as the “cause” for conflicts, as men fought with one another to either “win” or “protect” women.
  • Women are also depicted as following their heroic husbands in both life and death-there are stories about the practice of Sati or the immolation of widows on the funeral pyre of their husbands.
  • Paintings: India had a fine tradition in the art of painting. The exquisite, beautifully colored paintings at Ajanta and Ellora were created between 600 and 1000ce. The paintings and sculptures are devoted to Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. Most of the painting tell ancient tales of courtly life, and depict Buddhist stories from the Jataka Tales.

    During the period of the Delhi sultans, the art of painting declined asd the rulers obeyed the teaching of the Quran, which discouraged the reproduction of the human form through sculpture and paintings. The rule of the Mughals saw the revival of the best in panting. Humayan brought to famous Persian painters with him Mir Sayyid Ali and Abdus Samad. They introduced the art of miniature painting to India. Miniature painting is small, but highly detailed, painting.

    The rule of the Mughal saw the revival of the best in paintings, and it marked an important stage in the growth of this art .Humayun brought two famous Persian painters with him, Mir Sayyid Ali and Abdus Samad .They introduced the art of miniature painting to India .Miniature paintings are small ,but highly detailed paintings.

    Akbar brought Persian and Indian artists together, and a new style of painting was born-the Indo-Persian School of painting.  Jahangir was deeply interested in painting.


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